The books I read.

Resilience by Dr. Rick Hanson

Here are some beautiful points from the book.

How to strengthen your inner self super powers?

It is often felt by our inner self the experience of feeling compassion, empathy & emotional intelligence for others. For example when a person tries to help others by showing empathy & compassion, some strange gut feelings are arisen from within. Now that experience of accomplishment, joy of helping others must be identified & strengthened. These are our inner resources, our super powers & essential tools that make us more strong & resilient.

So think of such feelings, sort them out & work on them. Build these inner muscles. Think of such moments when you feel proud to help others, you feel confident, feel strong, feel your own super powers. Now identify carefully such type of feelings & experiences in your daily routine. Then go for strengthening such experiences. By doing this you will identify your inner resources of many powers from within your self.

Now let’s do this in a systematic way. This technique is acronym as HEAL.

1. Have such experience of grit, confidence, empathy, emotional intelligence etc. Note it down when you feel all such feelings whenever you have them at any point in your life. When you experience them in your daily life just note them. Now follow the next step.

2. Enrichment

Now as you have jolt down all these daily life positive experiences, now it is time to enrich these resources to strengthen them. A simple way to do this is to register the way the experience feels in your body & create a lasting memory of that physical sensation.

3. Absorb

Now after noting down these physical sensations & positive rewards of your generosity towards others, it is time to absorb those feelings. Spend a few minutes breathing into that positivity & help make it a lasting impression on your brain.

4. Linking

Linking is a process of being aware of a small negative experience and connecting it to a bigger positive experience. For instance if your project is not doing well at its start & it is getting negative views then think of making it work properly and think of following a bigger reward if it will become a big hit. Therefore, linking will soothe your smaller negative experiences with the bigger positive experiences.