My Science Lecture Series for Sindhi students.

1. Gene Expression Process.

2. Refraction of Light

3. Zoology HEC recommended Syllabus.

4. Zoology syllabus and Miller & Harley readings P-1.

5. Zoology syllabus and Miller & Harley readings P-2.

How AI created ChatGpt4: A step-by-step guide

Title: How AI created ChatGpt4: A step-by-step guide Meta description: Discover how AI created ChatGpt4, a sophisticated chatbot that can understand and generate natural language responses. Learn about the data collection, training, fine-tuning, and deployment process involved in creating ChatGpt4. Introduction: In recent years, artificial intelligence has made significant strides in the field of natural…

14 tips to boost your memory

“Memory is the thing that gets you through the day and gives meaning to your life” -Billie Eilish Memory can be a very subjective subject, and it depends on what age you are and how much time you have in this world. If someone tells you that memory should only last 40 minutes of conversation,…

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ووٽ کپايو پر سٺي قيمت ۾

چاچا ڀورا خان ووٽ ڪنھن کي ڏيندي? بابا مراد خان صاحب ووٽ ان کي ڏبو جنهن جي باري ۾ وڏيرو ڪانڊيرو چوندوـــ ادا وڏيري ھن ڀيري سولر پليٽ بـ وٺي ڏيڻ جو واعدو ڪيو آھي ڀلا ادا اھو بـ انھن وڏيرن مان نڪتو چڱو ٻيو وري وڏيرا ڪھڙو اسان کي بوسڪي جو پٽڪو پارائينداـــ چاليھ پنجيتاليھ سالن کان ڪم ائين ھلندو اچي ابا اسان جا وڏڙا بـ ائين ئي ڪري وياـــ ادا ٻيو وري وڏيري جي ٻني بـ ڪاھيون پيا تـ ووٽ تي بـ ان جو ئي حق آ نـ بابلا ــ چاچا پر ووٽ تـ آزاد ٿي ڏيڻو آھي پنهنجي مرضي سان!? ھا ابا مرضي مالڪ جي آ جنھن کي بادشاھي جي تخت تي ويھاري ـــ پر چاچا توھان جي ھٿ ۾ بـ تـ ڪجھ آھي ــ پٽ مراد اسان غريبن جي ھٿ ۾ ڇاھي ابا? چاچا جيترا توھان غريبن جا ووٽ آھن اوترا تـ اميرن جا بـ ناھن ــ ھا ابا بروبر! چاچا توھان جو ووٽ ئي تر جي اميدوار کي MNA ياMPA ڪندو ۽ پوء اھو اسيمبلي ۾ وڃي اسان توھان جي ڳوٺ تعلقه ۽ ضلع جي لا۽ اسيمبلي ۾ ڳالھائيندو ۽ پو۽ اسان جا ترقياتي ڪم بـ ڪرائيندو ـــ ابا بروبر! پر پٽ ائين ھر وڏيرو اليڪشن ۾ چوندو آ پر ڪم تـ ڪونه ٿيندا ھن ابا وڏيرا شينهن آھن انھن کان ڪير پڇندو? ابا اسان کي ھن اليڪشن مان سولر پليٽ ملندي بس ٻچڙا ڪجھ سڪون ۾ ھوندا اھوئي لک آ اسان لا۽! چاچا او چاچا توھان ڪڏھن ترقي ڪندو۽ ڀلا توھان کي ڪجھ وٺڻو آھي تـ اھو وٺو جيڪو توھان جي ايندڙ نسل لا۽ تـ ڪم اچي ــ بابلا اھو ڀلا ڇا وٺون? چاچا پنھنجي ٻچن لا۽ سٺا سرڪاري اسپتال, سٺا اسڪول, سٺا صاف سٿرا ڳوٺ, ناليون ۽ نيڪر, روڊ ۽ رستا وغيره ــــ ھل ڙي ابا ايڏيون شيون ڪير ڏيندو با! چاچا اھو اسان جو حق آ ۽ ووٽ بـ ملڪ جي قانون ۾ ان جي ڪري آھي تـ ھر 5 سالن کان پو۽ اسان وري ڪنھن ٻئي پارٽي کي آزمايون اسان ڪنھن ھڪ اميدوار يا ڪنھن ھڪ اميدوار جو ٺيڪو ٿوڙئي کنيو آ ـــ ھڪ ڪم نـ ڪري تـ وري ٻئي کي آزمائجي چاچا تڏھن وڃي اسان جا جائز ڪم ٿيندا ــــ چاچا پنھنجو ووٽ کپائڻو اٿو تـ ان جي سٺي قيمت تـ وٺو! ووٽ ان شرط تي ڏيو تـ توھان جي ڳوٺ ۾ اسڪول ناھي تـ اھو ٺهي ملي, سالن کان ڪچي ۾ بجلي ناھي اھا وٺو, اسپتال وٺو, ناليون ۽ نيڪر وٺو ـــ چاچا اھي شيون توھان جي نسل کي ائين ڪم اينديون جيئن ڪنھن برپٽ بيابان ۾ ڪو وڻ ـــ چاچا آھستـ آھستـ ھڪ ھڪ شي۽ وٺو ھر اليڪشن ۾ پر ڪم واري شي۽ وٺو جيڪا دير تائين ھلي ـــ توھان وڏڙن جوئي چوڻ آ ڦڙي ڦڙي تلا۽ آ ـــ چاچا ڀورا سٺي تعليم ھوندي تـ تو وارو پٽ آفيسر ٿيندو نـ تـ ائين ئي توھان جي ابي يا ڏاڏي وانگر مال چاريندو ۽ ڪچي جي اوندھ ۽ مڇرن ۾ پيو پٽبو ــ اسپتال سٺي ھوندي تـ مفت اعلاج ٿيندو ورنه توھان کي پنھنجي اعلاج ڪرائڻ لا۽ مينهن يا ڪا ٻڪري کپائڻي پوندي ۽ ائين ئي توھان جا نسل توهان وانگر پيا لکن سالن کان غربت جي چڪي ۾ پيا پسندا ايندا ڪابه تبديلي ايسيتائين نـ ايندي جيسين اسان جي سوچ نـ بدلبي ـــ اسان ھر ھڪ جي سوچ بدلجڻ لازم بڻجي وئي آھي لحاظـ ڪجھ سوچو پنهنجي لا۽ نـ تـ ايندڙ نسلن لا۽ ــــــ ھائو ابا چوين تـ سچ ٿو پر مون ھڪڙي جي ھٿ جي تاڙي تـ نـ وڄندي ابا مراد! ـــ چاچا توھان پنهنجي گھر جا وڏا آھيو توھان جا 30 کن ووٽ تـ توهان پنهنجي مرضي سان ڏيو بس پئسن يا پليٽ لا۽ نـ اصيل شين لا۽ ــــ ھا ابا بس پو۽ ھن دفعي ڀلا ائين ڪري ٿا ڏسون ابا ڀلا من ڪو ڀلو ٿئي بس ھاڻي پليٽ نـ کپي تبديلي کپي ـــ اتي رکينس نـ چاچو ڀورو خان زنده باد ھاھاھا🌞☀⭐⭐🌈🌈

سنڌ ۾ سياست :- Politics in Sindh (Indus Valley Civilisation)

يار توھان سمجھو ڇو نـٿا ٽن مھينن کان پوء پنج ھزار ملڻ جي چڪر ۾ اسان سنڌي پنھنجو ووٽ بس وڏيرن ۽ ڀوتارن جي پارٽي پ پ پ کي ڏيون ٿاـ توھان ڪڏھن اھو سوچيو آھي ت انھي چڪر ۾ ن ت اسان جي ٻارن کي ڪا معياري تعليم ٿي ملي نـڪا صحت ۽ نڪا ڪا نوڪري ٿي ملي ـ انھن 5 ھزارن اسان جي مستقبل کي جھنم حوالي ڪري ڇڏيو آھي ـ ڪڏھن اھو سوچو آ تـ ھر مھيني تي توھان جو دوا دارون تي ڪيترو خرچ ٿو اچي توھان پنھنجن ٻارن کي پڙھايو پيا يا نـ ۽ جيڪڏھن پڙھايو پيا تـ اھا پڪ آھي تـ ميرٽ تي نوڪري ملندي? ڇو تـ سنڌ ۾ پ پ جو نعرو ڪرپشن آ ۽ اردو ۾ لگي رھو آ ـ توھان 5 يا وري 10 ھزار وٺي جيڪڏھن ووٽ وڪرو ٿا ڪيو تـ اھو توھان پنھنجن نسلن جي شھ رڳ ٿا ڪٽيو ـ ھا توھان پنھنجي مٿي مان اھاغلط فھمي ڪڍي ڇڏيو تـ بينظير ڪارڊ جا پـيسا
زرداري پنھنجي کيسي مان ٿو ڏي ـ بلڪــ اھي پيسا اسان توھان عوام جا آھن جيڪي اسان ٽيڪس جي صورت ۾ روزانو حڪومت کي ڏيندا رھون ٿا ـ مثال طور ڪو غريب/مزدور 400ڏھاڙي ڪماءي ٿو ۽ 200 روپين جو سودو خريد ڪري ٿو تـ انھي 200 روپين مان تقريبن 30/40 روپيا گھٽ ۾گھٽ حڪومت کي ٽيڪس طور ادا ڪري ٿو ـ جيڪڏھن پاڪستان جي ايڪيھ ڪروڙ آبادي مان صرف ڏھ ڪروڙ ماڻھو 30/40 روپيا روزانو ادا ڪندا تـ اھو حساب روزانو اربن ۽ کربن ۾ ٿي ٿوـ اھو ٽيڪس اسان ان جي ڪري ڏيون ٿا ت حڪومت اسان کي ھر سھولت ڏئي ـ بينظير ڪارڊ جھڙيون اسڪيمون ڀارت بنگلاديش ۽ آفريڪا جھڙن ملڪن ۾ ب ھلن ٿيون تـ ڇا اتي ب ڀٽو زندھ آھي!!! اھي اسڪيمون ان لا۽ آھن ت عوام اھا چوپڙي پيا کائين ۽ مڇرجن نـ ـ ادا اکيون کوليو ورنـ دير ٿي ويندي پنھنجو ووٽ سوچي سمجھي ڏيوـ ان کي نـ ڏيو جيڪو چوي تـ مان ان ووٽ کي مٽندو آھيان ـ ٿورو لکيو گھڻو سمجھنداـ ھا اھو بـ ٻڌو تـ ڪا مھل ڀٽو خاندان پ پ پ مان نڪتل آھي سڀ ٽڪيٽ زرداري خاندان کي مليل آھن اداـ پڙھيل دوستن کي گذارش آ تـ ھن پيغام کي ٻين تائين پھچائين مھرباني ـــــــــ

The books I read.

Resilience by Dr. Rick Hanson

Here are some beautiful points from the book.

How to strengthen your inner self super powers?

It is often felt by our inner self the experience of feeling compassion, empathy & emotional intelligence for others. For example when a person tries to help others by showing empathy & compassion, some strange gut feelings are arisen from within. Now that experience of accomplishment, joy of helping others must be identified & strengthened. These are our inner resources, our super powers & essential tools that make us more strong & resilient.

So think of such feelings, sort them out & work on them. Build these inner muscles. Think of such moments when you feel proud to help others, you feel confident, feel strong, feel your own super powers. Now identify carefully such type of feelings & experiences in your daily routine. Then go for strengthening such experiences. By doing this you will identify your inner resources of many powers from within your self.

Now let’s do this in a systematic way. This technique is acronym as HEAL.

1. Have such experience of grit, confidence, empathy, emotional intelligence etc. Note it down when you feel all such feelings whenever you have them at any point in your life. When you experience them in your daily life just note them. Now follow the next step.

2. Enrichment

Now as you have jolt down all these daily life positive experiences, now it is time to enrich these resources to strengthen them. A simple way to do this is to register the way the experience feels in your body & create a lasting memory of that physical sensation.

3. Absorb

Now after noting down these physical sensations & positive rewards of your generosity towards others, it is time to absorb those feelings. Spend a few minutes breathing into that positivity & help make it a lasting impression on your brain.

4. Linking

Linking is a process of being aware of a small negative experience and connecting it to a bigger positive experience. For instance if your project is not doing well at its start & it is getting negative views then think of making it work properly and think of following a bigger reward if it will become a big hit. Therefore, linking will soothe your smaller negative experiences with the bigger positive experiences.

5 Things you should know about yourself

We read a lot of stuff about others but hardly get time to think about one’s own self, the inner self. We can call it self meditation. Apart from doing yoga or some exercise we have to take care of ourselves. Here are 5 main things to know about yourself. Although there are many things in our life which are very important but I have short listed these 5.

  1. Physical well being.It is true that wealth is no guarantee to a healthy life. A person has to think very carefully when he/she has to choose from wealth or health. In today’s world, a person only thinks about amassing money. He remains busy in his routine. He hardly has time to go to visit a doctor for check up. People usually visit a doctor when they really got some ailing. According to APA , American psychological association, our body heal quickly when we take care of it sincerely. Our body needs our attention more than anything else.
  2. Don’t become addictive to social media & virtual machines: We are living in a world of advanced technology. People are talking about post industrial revolution. There is more & more research on inventions & innovations. Now a new blooming research on Artificial intelligence & robotics are opening a world of advanced technology. We are talking about replacement of manual labor with automated robots etc. So what is the point? Answer is when we waste our time using social media & virtual machines to kill our time then it will be a futile practice. The only thing that gives man an edge over AI robots is his creativity. So creativity never comes with waste of time but with practice & continuous intuition. Therefore, don’t waste your precious time by only playing games, using Facebook etc.
  3. Reading some good books can enhance your creativity & a healthy life: YES! It is a fact supported by new research that if you want a life longevity you should read more & more. But wait! There are two choices of books wether a person read a paper book or ebook on kindle. Well! My preference will be a paper book. Our sense of touch is more active when we read a paper book & it will boost our memory. We can feel a peculiar smell of a paper as it will trigger another sense i.e our sense of smell. When more senses are involved we will learn more. When we read on kindle our nerves feel more fatigued than reading a paper book. Our brain is diverted easily while reading on kindle. So we can’t get what we want from reading a book.
  4. Work for your own interest : Our brain is wired interestingly, it means it pays attention to those things which are interesting not to boring ones. Our creativity depends on our interest. I call it sequence wiring of our brain because our brain memorizes in simple order & sequence. That’s why we easily memorize 1 2 3 …..upto billions. The sequence of events make it interesting & our brain like interesting things.
  5. Good friends are buffers for you: No matter what the circumstances are in your life, good friends are buffers. As they have ability to neutralize harsh or bitter things that irritate you. Be choosy as it is a preveldge to have a sincere friend in your life.

Social problems of Pakistan.

Social problems of Pakistan are many to list. As the country has completed her 70 years, it is still suffering from sociopolitical & economic problems. Socially, Pakistan is legging behind other countries of the South Asian region. There is problem of severe poverty, unemployment, unending corruption, terrorism & so on. Economic performance of the country is not satisfied. As there is the lowest tax to GDP ratio, inflation, tax evasion practices & state held corporations are white elephants. Politically, the country is interrupted by undemocratic forces. Democracy is most often derailed by the boys. Pakistan has suffered a lot due to the policies formed by martial law administrators. Politically, the country has suffered a lot due to denisty type polity, feudalism & undemocratic political parties. However, there’s still a silver lining as the country has huge youth bulge who are active, young & talented enough to work for the welfare of the state. Pakistani people are still more resilient & soft hearted, hardworking & creative minded.

Due to global war on terrorism, Pakistan has also been engaged in the proxy wars within & outside of the country. It has faced with huge economic losses as well as loss of precious lives of civil & military personnel. Since 9/11 it has lost about 70 billion dollars in its active participation in the war. American aid to Pakistan only adds up to 20 billion dollars. There are 5000 soldiers who were martyred & there is loss of 40000 civilian lives.

Pakistani people are suffering from abject poverty. Sixty percent of the population is living below the lowest subsistence level of earning 2 dollars a day. According to international standard of poverty line per capita income should be not less than 9000 rupees a month. But this standard is not maintained here. Most of the daily wage workers get less than 2 dollars a day. Factory workers may get 2 dollars a day but what about cart vendors, carpenters, farmers & other bread winners belonging to lower strata of the society.

Farmers are losing more in terms of time & money to the landlord. They are paying unnecessary commission, interest etc. The landlord usually purchases fertilisers, insecticides in cash but they charge huge interests from farmers.